Part Three - What if… the lines & dimples on your body were evidence of a life LIVED?
Why are we so ashamed of growing old and what that means to our appearance? I remember as a kid looking at my Grandmother and wanting to just like her. Back then, and yes I’m that old, we didn’t have the pressures of social media and the internet. We didn’t even worry about cell phones, which meant our parents and grandparents didn’t either.
Can you picture a reality where the lines on our face aren’t just reminders of years passing, but little roadmaps of all the smiles, tears and moments that made us who we are. That’s the reality I want for you and me both.
I would like to change that narrative. So, with that in mind here are some things I’ve been thinking about.
Each line on your face tells a story. Laughter shared, wisdom gained, challenges overcome. What stories does your face tell you?
Your dimples, do they remind you of the countless smiles that brightened not only your day but also the lives of those around you?
Ohhhhh stretch marks! Are they your friend or foe? I choose to think about them as evidence of grown, both physical and emotional. They show how I’ve expanded beyond my comfort zone.
Do you hide your scars or wear them as a badge of honour? They are symbols of resilience showcasing your ability to heal and emerge stronger after facing adversity. They are the proof of your strength to overcome life's toughest challenges.
I first noticed wrinkled skin on my hands in my early 40s. I gasped with horror. Why? They are just a testament of the passage of time, reflecting experiences that have shaped me into the person I am today.
Think of your freckles like constellations. They map out the adventures you’ve had under the sun. Each one a memory of moments spent exploring and enjoying life.
How many times have you looked at the lines on your palm and wondered what it all means? They indicate paths that show the choices we’ve made and the paths we’ve taken. All of these lines lead to where we are today.
Back in the day calluses on your hands were badges of hard work and dedication. They showed your commenting to pursuing your passions and goals achieved. What do you think of them today?
Embrace every mark on your body as a symbol of a life lived fully. Rich with experiences, emotions and connections that make us uniquely ourselves.
What are your thoughts? After reading this did it make you think differently about yourself? I realized that in order to be truly present I need to forgive the negativity I’ve hoisted onto my body for how it has evolved over time. I have to love what I see in the mirror. What’s the story you’re telling yourself when you look in the mirror?
If you would like to explore your wisdom and document your story, I’m here for you. My As I Am raw portrait sessions will allow you to create a lasting impression of your existence.
Janice Smith