Part One - What if… you didn’t need to be smaller?
What if you didn't NEED to make yourself smaller? I don't know about you, but I've wasted far too much time trying to be someone else's idea of perfect. I've always been PERFECT! I know you're perfect too.
At a certain point in your life you just have to say STOP! Embrace who you are and just be you. There is no one else in this world like you.
Have you heard that saying... which age comes wisdom and beauty. I used to hate that saying. Now, I think I understand it. At some point you realize that you are enough. Good enough, smart enough... just enough as you are. Your family loves you as you are. Your friends accept you as you are and that's enough.
If you want to really understand who you are try my "As I Am" raw portrait session. It's shot all in Black & White. No professional hair & makeup. No new clothes needed and no Photoshop. Simple.
For more information on the “As I Am” Raw Portrait Session click here.